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Coon Rapids, MN, United States

Friday, January 8, 2010

ELVIS IS 75!!!

Um..no he's not. Elvis Arron Presley died at age 42. He can't be 75.

"But Bob", you say, "If he hadn't died he would be 75." Let me tell you all about "if" by quoting my Father, a man even more "quote" down to earth than I could ever hope to be. His answer to any "if" statement was simply, "If the dog didn't stop to shit, he would have caught the rabbit."

Don't get me wrong here. Elvis was an important figure. An iconic figure. A music legend, Rock and Roll pioneer, all those things.

Its just that celebrating dead people's birthdays, especially dead celebrities' birthdays as if they had never passed away strikes me as just a little weird. Yes today may be the anniversary of Elvis' birth, go ahead and say that. But DO NOT run around telling me and everyone else that Elvis is 75. Elvis is NOT 75, Elvis is dead.
On a related note, If there IS a Rock and Roll heaven, do you think Elvis was waiting there for Micheal Jackson?...."UH...say boy..what exactly was you trying to do there with my little Lisa Marie???"" Food for thought.

Well. the insanity of the Health Care bill is still dominating the news. I still pray it will be stopped but I hold little hope.
Understand this, no matter what your feelings are on whether there should be universal health coverage, This bill does not do that. It does however put in place a structure that will fundamentally change this nation...and not for the better. When this ultimately passes, it will be a sad day indeed.

HEY! Dont forget. ASK GRASSMAN is now up and running. ASK ME ANYTHING!!
http://askgrassman.blogspot.com/..COME CHECK IT OUT

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